The Apostles of the Resurrection is an association of lay women who are united spiritually with the Congregation. The aim of the Apostles of the Resurrection [original title: Associate Sisters] is to give glory to God in the Blessed Trinity with one’s life and work. They are called to announce the truth that Christ is risen and gives each one the power to overcome personal weaknesses, sins and evil, in order to live as a true child of God. Giving witness to this truth in their life, the Apostles become where they live a sign of peace, hope and joy, and contribute to the religious/moral rebirth of society. Apostles of the Resurrection fulfil their family and social obligations, and also assist the Sisters of the Resurrection in their apostolic works and pray for their intentions, while participating in turn in the spiritual heritage and prayer of the Congregation.

Catholic women of various states, who have a sincere intention of fulfilling the Will of God in daily life and desiring to live according to the spirit of the Congregation, may become Apostles of the Resurrection. After concluding a probation lasting at least one year each candidate makes her promises. It obligates her to a life according to the Rule of the Apostles of the Resurrection in her family and in the world, and consequently to deepening her interior life and striving for perfection in the spirit of the Resurrection.

Days of recollection for Apostles, monthly formational meetings and retreats based on the spirituality of the Resurrection give direction to the spiritual formation of the Apostles.

Centers of Apostles of the Resurrection are found near local communities of the Congregation.